

  1. G. Paltoglou. Sentiment-based event detection in TwitterJournal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, in press. [Abstract]
  2. M. Salampasis, G. Paltoglou, A. Giachanou. Using social media for continuous monitoring and mining of consumer behaviourInternational Journal of Electronic Business, 11(1): 85-96, 2014. [Abstract]
  3. P. Sobkowicz, M. Thelwall, K. Buckley, G. Paltoglou, A. Sobkowicz. Lognormal distributions of user post lengths in Internet discussions – a consequence of the Weber-Fechner law?EPJ Data Science, 2:2, doi:10.1140/epjds14. [Abstract]
  4. J. Sienkiewicz, M. Skowron, G. Paltoglou, J. Holyst. Entropy-growth-based model of emotionally charged online dialoguesAdvances in Complex Systems, 16(4n5): 1350026, 2013 (Impact factor: 0.647 ). [Abstract]
  5. G. Paltoglou, M. Thelwall. Seeing stars of valence and arousal in blog posts.Journal of IEEE Transactions of Affective Computing, 99 (PrePrints):1, 2012 (est. Impact Factor: 2.500). [Abstract]
  6. G. Paltoglou, M. Theunis, A. Kappas, M. Thelwall. Predicting emotional responses to long informal textJournal of IEEE Transactions of Affective Computing, 99 (PrePrints):1, 2012 (est. Impact Factor: 2.500). [Abstract]
  7. A. Chmiel, J. Sienkiewicz, M. Thelwall M., G. Paltoglou, K. Buckley, A. Kappas A., J.A. Holyst. Collective Emotions Online and Their Influence on Community LifePLoS ONE, 6(7): e22207, 2011 (Impact Factor: 4.351).
  8. M. Thelwall, K. Buckley, G. Paltoglou. Sentiment Strength Detection for the Social WebJournal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(1):163-173, 2012. (Impact Factor: 2.300) (preprint). [Abstract]
  9. G. Paltoglou, M. Thelwall. Twitter, MySpace, Digg: Unsupervised sentiment analysis in social mediaACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, Special Issue on Search and Mining User Generated Contents, 3(4):66:1-66:19, 2012 (Special Issue, acceptance Rate: 14%). [Abstract]
  10. A. Chmiel, P. Sobkowicz, J. Sienkiewicz, G. Paltoglou, K. Buckley, M. Thelwall , J.A. Hołyst. Negative emotions boost user activity at BBC forumPhysica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 390 (16): 2936-2944, 2011 (Impact Factor: 1.562). [Abstract]
  11. M. Mitrovic, G. Paltoglou, B. Tadi. Quantitative analysis of bloggers collective behavior powered by emotionsJournal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P02005, 2011 (Impact Factor: 2.670). [Abstract]
  12. M. Thelwall, K. Buckley, G. Paltoglou. Sentiment in Twitter eventsJournal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(2): 406-418, 2011 (Impact Factor: 2.300). [Abstract]
  13. M. Mitrovic, G. Paltoglou, B. Tadi. Networks and Emotion-Driven User Communities at Popular BlogsThe European Physical Journal B, 77 (4): 597-609, 2011 (Impact Factor: 1.466). [Abstract]
  14. M. Thelwall, K. Buckley, G. Paltoglou, D. Cai, A. Kappas. Sentiment strength detection in short informal textJournal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(12): 2544-2558, 2010 (Impact Factor: 2.300). [Abstract]
  15. S. Gobron, J. Ahn, G. Paltoglou, M. Thelwall, D. Thalmann. From Sentence to Emotion: Real-time Three-Dimensional Graphics Metaphor of Emotions Extracted from TextThe Visual Computer Journal, 26(8): 505-519,2010 (Impact Factor: 1.06). [Abstract]
  16. G. Paltoglou, M. Salampasis, M. Satratzemi. Collection-integral Source Selection for uncooperative distributed information retrieval environmentsInformation Sciences, 180(14): 2763-2776, 2010 (Impact Factor: 3.095). [Abstract]
  17. G. Paltoglou, M. Salampasis, M. Satratzemi. Modeling information sources as integrals for effective and efficient source selectionInformation Processing and Management Journal, 47(1): 18-36, 2011 (Impact Factor: 1.852). [Abstract]
  18. G. Paltoglou, M. Salampasis, M. Satratzemi. A results merging algorithm for distributed information retrieval environments that combines regression methodologies with a selective download phase, Information Processing and Management, 44(4): 1580-1599, 2008 (Impact Factor: 1.546). [Abstract]

Book Chapters

  1. G. Paltoglou. Sentiment Analysis in Social Media, In: Agarwal N. and Lim, M. and Wigard R.T. Online Collective Action: Dynamics of the Crowd in Social Media, Lecture Notes in Social Networks Series, Springer International Publishing, pages 3-17, 2013.
  2. A. Chmiel, J. Sienkiewicz, G. Paltoglou, K. Buckley, M. Skowron, M. Thelwall, A. Kappas, J. A. Hołyst. Collective Emotions Online. In: N. Agarwal and M. Lim and R.T.Wigard, Online Collective Action: Dynamics of the Crowd in Social Media, Lecture Notes in Social Networks Series, Springer International Publishing, pages 59-74, 2014.
  3. S. Gonzalez-Bailon, G. Paltoglou. Signals of public opinion in online communication: A comparison of methods and data sources. In: D. V. Shah, J. Capella and W. R. Neuman, Toward Computational Social Science: Big Data in Digital Environments, ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 2014 (in press).
  4. G. Paltoglou, A. Giahannou. Opinion Retrieval: Searching for Opinions in social media. In: G. Paltoglou, F. Loizides, P. Hansen, Professional Search in the Modern World, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer International Publishing, 2014 (in press).

Books/ Edited Books

  1. G. Paltoglou, F. Loizides, P. Hansen. Professional Search in the Modern World, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 8830), Springer International Publishing, 2014 (in press).
  2. M. Santini, M. Oakes, G. Paltoglou. Computational Theory of Digital Genre: Genre Theory in the Context of Text Analytics, Springer International Publishing, 2015 (in preparation).


  1. G. Paltoglou. Using Twitter and Sentiment Analysis for event detection. In LREC 2014: 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2014.
  2. G. Paltoglou, M. Thelwall. More than bag-of-words: Sentence-based document representation for sentiment analysis . In RANLP 2013: Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, pages 546-552, 2013.
  3. G. Paltoglou, K. Buckley. Subjectivity annotation of the Microblog 2011 Realtime Adhoc relevance judgments. In ECIR 2013: 35th European Conference on Information Retrieval, pages 344 – 355, 2013 (Acceptance Rate: 16%).
  4. M. Salampasis, G. Paltoglou, A. Giahanou. Report on the CLEF-IP 2012 Experiments: Search of Topically Organized Patents. In CLEF 2012: Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, Online Working Notes/Labs/Workshop, 2012.
  5. G. Paltoglou, M. Thelwall. University of Wolverhampton at the TREC-2012 Microblog Track. In TREC 2012: 20th Text REtrieval Conference, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 2011.
  6. M. Salampasis, G. Paltoglou, A. Giahanou. Using Social Media for Continuous Monitoring and Mining of Consumer Behaviour. In HAICTA 2011: 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, 2011.
  7. St. Gobron , J. Ahn, Q. Silvestre, D. Thalmann, S. Rank, M. Skowron, G. Paltoglou, M. Thelwall. An Interdisciplinary VR-architecture for 3D chatting with non-verbal communication. In EGVE 2011: Joint Virtual Reality Conference of EuroVR, pages 87 – 94, 2011.
  8. M. Skowron, H. Pirker, S. Rank, G. Paltoglou, J. Ahn, S. Gobron. No peanuts! Affective Cues for the Virtual Bartender. In 24th Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, 2011.
  9. M. Skowron, G. Paltoglou. Affect Bartender – Affective Cues and Their Application in a Conversational Agent. In 2011 Workshop on Affective Computational Intelligence, pages 1 – 7, 2011.
  10. G. Paltoglou, S. Gobron, M. Skowron, M. Thelwall, D. Thalmann. Sentiment analysis of informal textual communication in cyberspace. In Engage 2010, Springer LNCS State-of-the-Art Survey, pages 13 – 25, 2010.
  11. G. Paltoglou, M. Thelwall. A study of Information Retrieval weighting schemes for sentiment analysis. In ACL 2010: 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 1386 – 1395, 2010 (Acceptance Rate: 25%).
  12. G. Paltoglou, M. Thelwall, K. Buckley. Online textual communications annotated with grades of emotion strength, In 3rd International Workshop of Emotion: Corpora for research on Emotion and Affect, pages 25 – 31, 2010.
  13. G. Paltoglou, M. Salampasis, M. Satratzemi. Simple adaptations of data fusion algorithms for source selection. In ECIR 2009: 31st European Conference on Information Retrieval, pages 497 – 508, 2009 (Acceptance Rate: 22%).
  14. G. Paltoglou, M. Salampasis, M. Satratzemi. Integral Based Source Selection for Uncooperative Distributed Information Retrieval Environments. In LSDS-IR 2008: Large-Scale Distributed Systems for Information Retrieval, pages 67 – 74, 2008.
  15. G. Paltoglou, M. Salampasis, F. Lazarinis. Indexing and Retrieval of a Greek Corpus In iNEWS 2008: Improving Non English Web Searching, pages 47 – 54, 2008.
  16. G. Paltoglou, M. Salampasis, M. Satratzemi.
    A Comparison of Centralized and Distributed Information Retrieval approaches. In PCI 2008: 12th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, pages 21 – 25, 2008.
  17. G. Paltoglou, M. Salampasis, M. Satratzemi. Hybrid Results Merging. In CIKM 2007: 16th Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, pages 321 – 330, 2007 (Acceptance Rate: 17%).
  18. G. Paltoglou, M. Salampasis, M. Satratzemi. Results Merging Algorithm Using Multiple Regression Models. In ECIR 2007: 29th European Conference on Information Retrieval, pages 173 – 184, 2007 (Acceptance Rate: 19%).
  19. G. Paltoglou, M. Salampasis, M. Satratzemi, G. Evangelidis. Using linkage information to approximate the distribution of relevant documents in DIR In PCI 2007: 11th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, pages 234 – 244, 2007.